Our Services
24-Hour Crisis Intervention Services 706-776-4673 (HOPE) or Text 706-768-1616
Answered 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. All conversations are confidential.
Callers are assisted with safety planning, service options, crisis counseling, prevention information, and social service referrals. TTY and translation services are available.
Emergency Shelter
Crisis intervention, emergency housing, and support services for those who are not safe in their own home. The shelter offers a range of services designed to provide immediate safety, meet the needs of victims, and to help them gain independence. The shelter is staffed 24 hours a day and offers a homelike atmosphere with a common living, kitchen, and dining room. The facility includes a computer lab, laundry room, children’s play room, and two large outdoor playgrounds for children. Circle of Hope’s shelter is located at an undisclosed address for the safety and confidentiality of those who seek refuge.
Legal Advocacy Services
Assist victims with obtaining Temporary Protective Orders, accompany victims to court hearings and help victims navigate the judicial system. Advocates also help eligible victims apply for Victim's Compensation and pursue criminal warrants through magistrate court.
Mobile Advocacy Program
Advocacy services available in multiple locations throughout the community. Services may include safety planning, relocation assistance and access to community resources.
Court Advocacy Program
Support and advocacy to victims whose perpetrators are involved in criminal cases related to domestic violence.
Pet Shelter
Pet sanctuary at the Emergency Shelter that allows victims to escape abusive situations without leaving behind their pet.
Individual Counseling
Trauma-focused counseling services provided by licensed therapists.
Support Groups
Support groups that allow survivors to express their feelings in a confidential and supportive atmosphere where they are surrounded by others who are, or have been, in similar situations.
Children's Program
Advocacy, mentoring, recreational activities, family enrichment activities, individual counseling, support groups, school liaison services, and age appropriate safety planning.
Prevention Program
Comprehensive, age-appropriate K-12 school-based program to educate youth about healthy relationships. Includes collaboration with local colleges and other youth serving agencies by facilitating workshops and participating in special events.
Community Education
& Outreach
In-service training’s and presentations about domestic violence and agency services to law enforcement, schools, churches, civic organizations, and other agencies requesting information about domestic violence and Circle of Hope services is available. Call 706-776-3406 or email contact@gacircleofhope.org to arrange a speaker for your business or group.
Nondiscrimination: Circle of Hope does not discriminate and complies with all nondiscrimination and fair housing laws applicable under the Fair Housing Amendments Act, HUD’s Equal Access Rule/Final Rule, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, and the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Fair Housing Act: Circle of Hope complies with the Fair Housing Act non-discrimination laws prohibiting housing discrimination. No otherwise qualified person will be denied access to emergency shelter, support services or housing, or will be otherwise discouraged from obtaining access to emergency shelter, support services or housing because of his/her race, color, religion, national origin, sex, familial status, or disability.
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